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Scripture Description

When the Floods of Life Come

Matthew 7:24–27 What Scripture says we are to do when these times come

God and 60,409 Pennies 

II Chronicles 20 The importance of  "Faith and Obedience"  in our Christian walk and how they go hand in hand

Encouragement:  Who Needs It?

Romans 8, Acts 9,
II Kings 4 
Why we need to be encouragers and practical ways to put this into practice
Broken, have you been?

Luke 34, Exodus Examples of brokenness in my own life, valuable lessons learned, and how you can help others because of it

Various Scriptures Enrichment and encouragement on this sometimes rugged but mutually satisfying road
Christian Parenting

Various Scriptures Discipline,  problem solving, boundaries, encouragement, etc.
Mentoring and Discipling Women

II Timothy 2:2  What it is and how to do it
Your God Given Personality Type

Proverbs 22 Helps you determine your God given personality type and how to allow God to use it to win others to Christ

Various Scriptures  What do "real" Biblical friendships look like and how to maintain them
Counseling the Sexually Abused

Various Scriptures  How to recognize and help those who have been sexually violated
Single Parenting

Various Scriptures  Godly guidance for those who have the toughest job in the world
How to Help a Heartbroken Friend

Various Scriptures  Learn how to be a healing balm to those who are hurting